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Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer

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Together We Thrive: Connecticut Community Fundraisers Make Positive Impact

communications • January 13, 2025

Together We Thrive: Connecticut Community Fundraisers Make Positive Impact

During the holiday season, while many enjoy exchanging gifts and celebrating, others face a very different reality. Receiving medical care, paying bills, and having enough food can be a daunting struggle for some members of various communities, including Madison community in Connecticut.

To help those in need this past holiday season, particularly children, Madison Public Schools in Connecticut has teamed up with fundraisers to do just that.

“Hats For Hope”

For the last two years, Madison Public Schools has participated in “Hats for Hope” a district-wide fundraiser organized by a student at Polson Middle School to benefit The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer. Created by firefighters in 1953 to honor Tommy Mozdzierz, the first child diagnosed with leukemia in Connecticut, The Tommy Fund provides emotional, educational, medical, and financial support to local pediatric cancer patients and their families receiving treatment at Smilow Cancer Hospital and its affiliates in Connecticut. Leukemia is the most common type of blood cancer in children accounting for about 30% of childhood cancers. The exact cause of leukemia in children is unknown although, certain genetic conditions inherited from parents can increase the risk of childhood leukemia.

When participating in Hats for Hope students wear/bring creative and fun hats like sports caps, animal hats with moving ears, funny beanies, and character hats, to name a few, to school and donate a minimum of $1 to participate.

This past December, Madison Public Schools raised over $3,800 for the Tommy Fund—the highest that they have ever raised.

“Blizzard of Giving”

Another beneficial fundraiser that Madison Public Schools participates in is the Blizzard of Giving, a yearly fundraising endeavor to collect food, gift cards, toys, personal hygiene items, and other donations for the Madison Food Pantry, which provides food services to residents in need, and Madison Youth and Family Services, a community based organization that supports the social and emotional well-being of children, youth, and families. The Madison Food Pantry serves an average of 75-80 families each week. All families are given between 40-70 pounds of food per visit which is dependent on the size of the family.

Blizzard of Giving was started a few years ago by student organizations at Polson Middle School, including its Student Council, Impact Club, and Excel Club, along with their school social worker Missy Hartman. The staff, students, and their families donate items such as canned goods, boxed food items, gift cards from various stores, restaurants as well as from local small businesses, toys such as Legos, craft kits, science kits, sports equipment, etc. and cash donations.

This year’s Blizzard of Giving raised $1,360—the highest that they have ever raised— and donated 348 pounds of food.

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June 6, 2024
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